Farming & sustainability
Who grows Canadian wheat?
Growing wheat takes a team before it even leaves the farm – from the researchers who develop the seed, to the farmers who plant it, to the agronomists who provide technical support during the growing season.
There are 62,000 grain and oilseed farms in Canada that may grow wheat as part of their crop rotations.1 Wheat growers are business-minded people who embrace technology and value stewardship.
Wheat growing is truly a family affair. Today, 97% of Canada’s farms are family owned.2 Wheat is grown on all sizes of farms across Canada and is part of their crop rotation practices.
Farmers embrace technology on the farm and that’s allowed them to produce more food and manage more acres than in the past. The average Canadian farm was 820 acres in 2016, up from 237 acres in 1941.3 Technology like GPS guided tractors, drone captured imaging, and advances in agronomic practices like crop rotations help farmers use Canada’s natural resources – soil and water – efficiently and carefully.

How does wheat grow?
Wheat is a member of a large family of grass plants that includes other cereal grains grown for food use such as barley, rye and oats. Wheat refers to the whole plant – roots, flowers and seeds. As the wheat plant matures, it flowers. The flowers pollinate to form the seeds. As the wheat plant matures in the field, the seeds increase in size, accumulating the nutrients that are important to human nutrition. These seeds, also called kernels, are the part of the wheat plant used to make a wide range of foods.
For a successful growing season, farmers choose the best variety of seed for their environment. They can apply fertilizer, use crop protection products, and rely on rain for optimal growth. There are very few wheat acres grown with irrigation in Canada.4
Spring wheat classes are mostly grown in Western Canada and are planted in early summer. They require about 110 to 130 days5 to mature, depending on weather conditions before they can be harvested. Winter wheats are grown across Canada but classes and varieties are different in Western Canada and Eastern Canada. The majority of winter wheat acres are found in Ontario. Winter wheat is planted in the late summer or early fall and lies dormant during winter. It takes about 10 months to be ready for harvest.
Harvest happens when the wheat plants are fully mature and no longer actively growing. A piece of equipment called a combine is used to cut the stems and separate the wheat kernels from the seed stalks. Kernels are then transferred from the combine into a grain cart for transport.
While many varieties of wheat grown today have been improved to better withstand pests, disease and harsh weather conditions, the nutritional value of the wheat kernel hasn’t changed much at all. In fact, research has found the nutritional composition of modern wheat varieties to be very similar to those grown more than a century ago.6

Did you Know?
Soil erosion has decreased in Canada due to improved production practices. In 1981, only 36% of all cropland in Canada was classified as very low risk for soil erosion. But by 2011, this had improved to 74% of all cropland being classified as very low risk.7
Sustainability on the farm
Farmers are constantly adapting and taking steps to nurture and protect the land so that it remains productive for future generations.
The majority of farms follow conventional production practices while some are organic (about 2% of farmland8) and others do elements of both. Regardless of the type of farming, farmers are committed to growing safe, high-quality wheat using sustainable production practices.
Farmers grow more than wheat
Crop rotation is an important part of a sustainable farming operation. This means that a different crop is planted on the same piece of land in subsequent years. For example, a field planted to wheat one year will be planted with another field crop such as canola, soybeans, corn, or pulses. Rotating crops provides improved soil fertility and helps to break pest and disease cycles.
Reduced tillage protects soil, water and biodiversity
Thanks to plant science innovation, farmers no longer have to rely on the practice of plowing, also called tilling, to control weeds. By reducing tillage or practicing reduced or no-till, farmers have been able to improve soil health, conserve water and protect biodiversity.
Precision agriculture supports land stewardship
Farmers also use precision agriculture in sustainable production systems. These are innovations such as GPS, drones, sensors, soil sampling, and precision machinery that help to grow crops more efficiently. With the help of these tools, farmers can make more informed decisions for planting, applying nutrients, spraying and harvesting. Technology also enables them to grow more on the same amount of land, helping the financial sustainability of their business while also protecting the environment.
Preventing soil erosion
Farmers implement a farm management practice called no-till. This practice leaves stubble from the harvest crop in the field to catch snow and reduce soil erosion. After harvest, some farmers also plant a cover crop into the soil, which also helps to keep soil in place. In addition to reducing erosion, it adds organic matter, improves soil structure, reduces pest populations, and helps manage soil moisture.

Did you Know?
While genetic engineering has been used to help some crops grow more efficiently, there is no commercial production of genetically modified (GM) wheat in Canada.
What happens when wheat leaves the farm?
After harvest, farmers transport wheat kernels from their on-farm grain storage to handling facilities called grain elevators where their wheat is blended with those of other farmers and stored. Elevators segregate wheat of the same class and protein level before shipping onwards in the supply chain.

The wheat supply chain refers to all of the products and people involved in getting foods made from wheat onto a consumer’s plate.
At this stage of the wheat journey, wheat is in the hands of ‘grain handlers’ – those who work at facilities that store, mill or ship wheat kernels.
2 Food and Farm Care
3 Food and Farm Care
4 CRSB –
7 CRSB –

Did you Know?
No-till and conservation tillage saved an estimated 20 billion kgs of greenhouse gas emissions from being released into the atmosphere between 1996 and 2018, which is equivalent to removing about 13 million cars from the road for a year.